Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Creative Response: Flannery O'Connor

Want Ad: A Good Man

Wanted: A good man, a man
who dresses like a man: shirt
pressed with collars and cuffs
neatly pinned down. A man
who offers gifts: a watermelon,
Coca-Cola. If he is wealthy,
all the better. I want a man
who knows he's not common, a gentle-
man, a lady-respecting man, a man
not afraid
to discipline children, a man
of whom I am
not afraid.


heathersue said...

I really liked this post! I think that this want ad could most likely be used for anyone. Who doesn’t want a guy with at least some of those qualities. It was also VERY creative. I wish I would have thought of it first! The descriptions were very vague yet at the same time, extremely rare. Even in that day and age. (More so now though.) All any girl wants is a GOOD MAN.

Erinn said...

Thanks, Heather, for the comments! Even though I thought of the want-ad format first doesn't mean you can't try writing one, too. I'd be very interested in seeing your "want ad."